Make your mark free coffee on voting day

Make your mark and receive a free cuppa on 8 May

Johannesburg, April 2019 – The 2019 South African elections are just a couple of weeks away and citizens are getting ready to make their mark at the polls come 8 May.

To further encourage South Africans to go out and exercise one of their most important rights – casting a vote – Wimpy will once again give a free cup of Famous Wimpy coffee to everyone that comes into any of their restaurants across the country and presents their voter’s mark.

“Voting during elections is a democratic right that all South Africans enjoy but most importantly, it’s a responsibility for all in order to actively determine the future and governance of our country. The free cups of coffee that we will be giving to voters on 8 May are a token of appreciation to South Africans that are participating in the country’s democracy. Voting isn’t something that ought to be taken lightly considering the history of our country – hence as a corporate citizen, we encourage everyone to make their voices heard these #SAElections2019,” says Jacques Cronje, Wimpy Marketing Executive.

This is the second time that Wimpy is rolling out the #CupsForVotes campaign – the first one took place in 2014 and it was well received as thousands of South Africans flocked the restaurants after voting. “The response to the campaign isn’t just about the free coffee. It’s a testament to just how seriously South Africans take their democracy and the elections – and Wimpy is very proud to be a staunch member of the South African family,” continued Cronje.

So, make your way to a Wimpy near you on 8 May after making your voice heard during these elections and enjoy a complimentary cup of Famous Wimpy coffee.

Visit the Wimpy Locator to locate a Wimpy near your polling station and encourage your friends and family to make their votes and thereafter redeem their voter’s mark for a free cup of Famous Wimpy coffee.