A kid’s burger next to a pair of connect the dots printouts.

Wimpy at Engen’s Guide To Unforgettable Road Trips

Whether you're visiting family or taking a drive to your dream holiday destination, a successful road trip needs careful planning…and a few Wimpy at Engen pit stops along the way.

Wimpy At Engen’s Road Trip Checklist:

Wimpy at Engen Vehicle Check

Make Wimpy at Engen your first stop. While they check the oil, brakes, tyres and make sure all the fluids are topped up, you can also top up with our lunch specials, an all-day brekkie and anything in between.

Entertainment For The Road

If it’s a long drive, make sure the playlist is just as long. If you’ve got a few bundles of joy joining you, bring along some kids activities to keep your backseat buddies entertained.

Comfort All Along The Way

Make sure everyone has enough leg space to stretch out during the journey. If the drive is really long, make sure you have a few neck travel pillows, too.

Plan Your Route

Not all roads lead to your destination. Map out your route for the best shot at getting to your destination in the least amount of time and ensure that you can get some great Wimpy refreshments along the way.

Every Journey Is Always Welcome

We’re all heading out on different journeys – wherever your’s takes you, take a sho’t left at a Wimpy at Engen along the way.