T&Cs apply. Available for sit-down and takeaway. Valid from 30 August to 11 October 2024. Offer limited to a Short Cappuccino only. While stocks last. Visuals for descriptive purposes only.

T&Cs apply. Offer valid on 23 November 2024 only. Giveaway subject to wearing any national Bok jersey. Drinks limited to a Short cappuccino or a Short Hot Chocolate. Available for sitdown or takeaway. Not available for delivery.

T&Cs apply. Voucher valid from 5 - 31 August 2024 only. Giveaway subject to the presentation of an SMS voucher. Drinks limited to a regular cappuccino or a regular hot chocolate. Available for sit-down or takeaway. Not available for delivery.

T&Cs apply.

Available at selected restaurants for sit-down and takeaway. Available from 23 July 2024 until further notice. While stocks last. Visuals for descriptive purposes only.


Please read the Promotional Competition Terms and Conditions carefully. Your participation and entry will constitute your agreement to comply with these Terms and Conditions.

1. Competition period

  1. The Competition commences on 15 February 2024 and runs until 25 February 2024.
  2. The Competition Period may be extended or curtailed at the discretion of the Promoter.

2. Entry Mechanics / How to enter

  1. Social Media (Facebook, X and Instagram): Follow the entry mechanics in the Call To Action included in the 2 (two) competition posts.
  2. Entry to this Competition does not make a Participant a Winner.
  3. Multiple entries are permitted per Participant.
  4. The Promoter accepts no responsibility for entries lost, misdirected, illegible, late or altered. Entries that do not comply with these Terms and Conditions will be disqualified.
  5. It is the Participant’s responsibility to ensure that any information which you provide to the Promoter is accurate and complete.

3. Prizes and Draws

  1. 2 (two) grand prize Winners will be randomly selected by the Promoter.
  2. Grand prize Winners are eligible to a maximum of 1 (one) R500 voucher to use within a period of 24 months and 4 (four) custom Wimpy t-shirts.
  3. Participants will be randomly selected to receive a maximum of 1 (one) R100 voucher.
  4. No substitutions or re-assignment of any of the Prizes are permitted.
  5. Wimpy vouchers will be valid for a single use only and the entire amount must be used at once. No credits or refunds will be permitted for any balances that are not used upon the redemption of the voucher.
  6. Winner will be required to collect their custom t-shirts from the Wimpy activation taking place over two days, specifically on the 2nd and 3rd of March 2024.

4. Notification of Winners

  1. The Winners will be contacted via Direct Message on social media channels: Facebook, X and Instagram.
  2. The Winner will be required to provide their name, contact details and address information.

5. General

  1. The Promoter is entitled to amend the Terms and Conditions hereof in so far as same is deemed necessary and such amendments may relate to any aspect of the Competition.
  2. The amendments may include the addition and or deletion of any existing and or proposed Terms and Conditions of the Competition, which amendments may also affect the identified Prizes.
  3. The proposed amendments may be affected during the Competition period which amendments may result in the Competition period being reduced and or extended as deemed necessary.
  4. It is the Participant’s responsibility to regularly check the website where the competition Terms and Conditions are made available. Refer to https://wimpy.co.za/terms-and-conditions/
  5. The Promoter reserves the right to use the Winner’s images taken from Social Media Platforms on either, print, out of home, digital, YouTube or any other advertising medium for publicity purposes in any manner they deem fit (within any Social Media Platform), excluding TV. No remuneration shall be made payable to the Winner. However, the Winner has the right to object to these images being used by written notification to the Promoter.
  6. If the Terms and Conditions are amended as provided for in clause 7a and 7b, such amendments shall become effective immediately or on such date as may be stated or determined by the Promoter. However, all Winners who have received confirmation of the Prize prior to such amendment will remain eligible to receive the Prize as awarded in accordance with the Terms and Conditions in force when they were selected as Winners.
  7. No Participant shall have any recourse or claim against the Promoter because of any amendment to these Terms and Conditions or in respect of termination or suspension of the Competition in line with these Terms and Conditions.
  8. If the Promoter cannot continue with this Competition for any reason, or if it is required to cancel, suspend or terminate the Competition by any regulatory term or applicable law, the Promoter may cancel, suspend or terminate the Competition on condition that:
    1. No Winner has been declared; and
    2. Notice of such Competition cancellation has been given to all Participants.
  9. Any false or inaccurate information provided by the Winner will result in disqualification.
  10. The Winner’s use of the Prize shall be entirely at his/her own risk and he/she hereby indemnifies and absolves the Promoter from any liability or damage, arising from accident, injury, harm, death, costs, including direct, indirect, special incidental or consequential or any punitive damages and/or loss sustained because of the entry or participation in the Competition and possession or use of the Prize as won in the Competition.
  11. To the extent permitted by the Consumer Protection Act of 2008 (“CPA”), the Participant and/or Winner indemnifies and absolves the Promoter from claims arising from any loss, damage, harm or injury which the prize winners may sustain because of any claim which may be made against it by any third party.
  12. The Participant and/or Winner indemnifies the Promoter against any claim of any nature whatsoever arising out of and/or from their participation in any way in this Promotional Competition (including, as result of any act or omission, whether negligent or otherwise, on the part of the Promoter).
  13. Any dispute or claim arising out of or in connection with the Competition shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Republic of South Africa.
  14. To the extent that the Terms and Conditions or any goods or services provide under these Terms are governed by the CPA, no provision as contained herein is intended to contravene the applicable provisions of the CPA, and therefore all provisions must be treated as qualified, to the extent necessary, to ensure that the relevant provisions of the CPA are complied with.
  15. By participating in this Competition, Participants agree to receive future marketing material from the brand/s on promotion. However, the Participant has the right to unsubscribe to receiving marketing material or request the Promoter to delete their information by contacting the Promoter at Wimpy, Famous Brands Pty (Ltd).


Please read the Promotional Competition Terms and Conditions (“Terms and Conditions”) carefully. Your participation and entry will constitute your agreement to comply with these Terms and Conditions.

1. Competition Period

  • The Competition commences on 15 July 2024 and runs until 28 October 2024.
  • The Competition Period may be extended or curtailed at the discretion of the Promoter.

2. Entry Mechanics / How to Enter

  • Buy any burger meal.
  • Send the picture of your meal to the provided WhatsApp number: +27 60 080 1137.
  • Upon receipt verification, the customer will receive a link to play the game for a chance to win prizes.

3. Prizes and Draws

  • Tier 1: Converse shoes every second week.
  • Tier 2: Personalised Wimpy Tote bags.
  • Tier 3: Personalised Wimpy Caps.
  • Tier 4: Wimpy R100 vouchers.
  • No substitutions or reassignments of any prizes are permitted.
  • Wimpy vouchers will be valid for single use only, and the entire amount must be used at once. No credits or refunds will be permitted for any balances not used upon redemption.

4. Notification of Winners

  • Winners will be contacted via Direct Message on social media channels or by telephone using the provided information.
  • Winners must provide their name, contact details, and address information.

5. General

  • The Promoter may amend the Terms and Conditions as deemed necessary, including adding or deleting terms, which may affect the identified prizes.
  • It is the Participant’s responsibility to regularly check the website where the Competition Terms and Conditions are made available.
  • The Promoter reserves the right to use the Winner’s images for publicity purposes in any manner deemed fit (excluding TV). No remuneration shall be made payable to the Winner. However, the Winner can object to these images being used by written notification to the Promoter.
  • No Participant shall have any recourse or claim against the Promoter because of any amendment to these Terms and Conditions or in respect of termination or suspension of the Competition.
  • If the Promoter cannot continue with this Competition for any reason, or if it is required to cancel, suspend, or terminate the Competition by any regulatory term or applicable law, the Promoter may cancel, suspend, or terminate the Competition on the condition that no Winner has been declared and notice of such cancellation has been given to all Participants.
  • Any false or inaccurate information provided by the Winner will result in disqualification.
  • The Winner’s use of the Prize shall be entirely at his/her own risk, and he/she indemnifies and absolves the Promoter from any liability or damage arising from participation in the Competition and possession or use of the Prize.
  • To the extent permitted by the Consumer Protection Act of 2008 (“CPA”), the Participant and/or Winner indemnifies and absolves the Promoter from claims arising from any loss, damage, harm, or injury sustained as a result of the Competition or the Prize.
  • Any dispute or claim arising out of or in connection with the Competition shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Republic of South Africa.
  • By participating in this Competition, Participants agree to receive future marketing material from the brand/s on promotion. Participants have the right to unsubscribe or request the Promoter to delete their information by contacting the Promoter at Wimpy Famous Brands Pty (Ltd).

6. Who May Enter

  • The Competition is open to citizens of South Africa who hold a South African barcoded green ID Book or ID smartcard or valid South African passport, and Non-South African Citizens with a valid Passport and Certificate of Residence.
  • Participants must be natural persons of 18 years or older at the date of entry.

7. Who May Not Enter

  • Employees, directors, members, partners, agents, or consultants of the Promoters, and their immediate family members, as well as any person who directly or indirectly controls or is controlled by the Promoters, are excluded from participation.
  • Participants who have won a competition promoted by the Promoters within the preceding 12 months are excluded.
  • Companies cannot participate in this Competition.
  • Participants under the age of 18 at the date of entry will be disqualified.

8. Additional Conditions for Entry

  • Participants must keep their till slips for verification purposes.
  • Multiple entries are permitted, provided each entry is for a separate purchase.
  • The Promoter accepts no responsibility for entries that are lost, misdirected, illegible, late, or altered.
  • Any and all tax implications and liabilities as a result of winning the Prize will be borne solely by the Winner.

9. Use of Personal Information

  • The Promoters may collect, store, and use (but not share) any personal information of entrants for communication or statistical purposes.
T&Cs apply.
Available at selected restaurants for sit-down and takeaway.
Available from 16 January 2025 until further notice.
While stocks last.
Visuals for descriptive purposes only.
Full nutritional information available here.
T&Cs apply.
Available at selected restaurants for sit-down and takeaway.
Available from 16 January 2025 until further notice
While stocks last.
Visuals for descriptive purposes only.
Full nutritional information available here.


Please read the Promotional Competition Terms and Conditions (“the Terms and Conditions”) carefully. Your participation and entry will constitute your agreement to comply with these Terms and Conditions.


This Promotional Competition (“the Competition”) is organised by Engen (Pty) Ltd, Registration Number 1989/003754/06 and Wimpy, part of Famous Brands and its associated group of companies, Registration Number 2001/004345/07, their designated agencies or promoters and companies in association with the Competition (“the Promoters”).

1. Who may enter?

  1. The Competition is open to citizens of South Africa who hold a South African barcoded green ID Book, ID smartcard or valid South African passport and Non-South African Citizens with a valid Passport and Certificate of Residence.
  2. All persons entering this Competition (“the Participants”) agree that the Terms and Conditions, rules and provisions as set out herein are binding on them.
  3. By entering this Competition, all Participants acknowledge that they have the legal capacity to enter the Competition and hereby agree to be bound by the Terms and Conditions as set out herein, which Terms and Conditions will be as interpreted by the Promoters.
  4. The Promoters’ decision regarding any dispute will be final and binding; no correspondence will be entered thereafter.
  5. Every Participant must be a natural person of 18 (eighteen) years or older at date of his/her entry into the Competition.
  6. Every Participant must be in possession of a valid driver’s license at date of his/her entry into the Competition.

2. Who may not enter?

  1. Participation in this Competition specifically excludes any employee, director, member, partner, agent or consultant or any person who directly or indirectly controls or is controlled by the Promoters and/or immediate family members of any employee, director, member, partner, agent or consultant of or person indirectly or directly in control or controlled by the Promoters, their advertising agencies, advisers and dealers (“Disqualified Persons”).
  2. Participants may not enter this Competition or be declared a winner if they have won a competition promoted by the Promoters within the preceding 12 (twelve) months of the Competition commencement date.
  3. Companies cannot participate in this Competition.
  4. Participants under the age of 18 years at date of entry may not enter and will be disqualified.
  5. Participants not in possession of a valid driver’s license may not enter the competition.

3. Competition period

  1. The Competition commences on 6 November 2023 and runs each month until such date as the Promoter wishes to curtail the Competition (“the Competition Period”).
  2. The Competition Period may be extended or curtailed at the discretion of the Promoter.

4. Entry Mechanics / How to enter

  1. To enter, Participants need to spend R40 or more (excluding tip), in a single purchase at a Wimpy at Engen in South Africa from 1 January 2025. The R40 spend may only comprise Wimpy restaurant products, no Engen Quickshop or fuel purchases will count towards the R40 spend. If there are Quickshop items on the till slip, these will be removed. Only the spend at the Wimpy at Engen on Wimpy food and/or drinks will qualify for a valid entry.
  2. Participants are to enter via WhatsApp.
  3. WhatsApp: Participants can send the word ‘Hi’ to 072 251 8879 and follow the prompts to enter. Participants will be required to accept the Terms and Conditions for the campaign before entering. Participants will be asked for their name, surname, whether they are over the age of 18 years, have a valid driver’s license and to upload a clear image of their till slip.
  4. Follow the link to download the Wimpy Rewards App and get an extra entry into the competition.
  5. Participants are to keep till slips for verification purposes.
  6. Entry to this Competition does not make a Participant a winner.
  7. If the Participant has won on a specific cellphone number, no other numbers will be accepted by the Promoters or used by the Promoters to contact the Participant.
  8. Once a winner is drawn, their spend will be verified. If a winner does not meet the minimum spend of R40, they will be disqualified and a redraw will take place.
  9. Multiple entries are permitted per Participant provided that each entry is for separate purchases at a Wimpy at Engen and in accordance with the entry requirements. Multiple entries of the same purchase will result in disqualification.
  10. Participants with a valid entry stand a chance to win a brand new car, as well as their share of instant cash and prizes.
  11. Participants are eligible to win a maximum of 1 (one) car in this Competition within a period of 12 months.
  12. The Promoter accepts no responsibility for entries lost, misdirected, illegible, late or altered. Entries that do not comply with these Terms and Conditions will be disqualified.
  13. It is the Participant’s responsibility to ensure that any information which you provide to the Promoter is accurate and complete.
  14. Any and all tax implications and liabilities as a result of winning the Prize will be solely borne by the Winner.

5. Prizes and Draws

  1. The grand prizes consists of one brand new car every month until such date that the Promoter wishes to close the Competition. The value and model of the car will be at the discretion of the Promoter.
  2. In addition, there is a share of Wimpy vouchers to be won. The total value of instant prizes available per month will be at the discretion of the Promoter.
  3. No substitutions or re-assignment of any of the Prizes are permitted.
  4. Wimpy vouchers will be valid for a single use only and the entire amount must be used at once. No credits or refunds will be permitted for any balances that are not used upon the redemption of the voucher.
  5. If a Participant has won an instant prize, their entry will still be included for the grand prize draw.

Grand Prize: Car

  1. The monthly grand prize consists of 1 (one) brand new car each month. The value and model of the car will be at the discretion of the Promoter.
  2. There will be 1 car awarded each month. No substitution or re-assignment of the Prize is permitted.
  3. The Prize can only be handed over to the Winner if all details provided by the Winner are factually correct and requested supporting documentation are presented to the Promoter.
  4. The Promoter reserves the right to substitute the Prize with any other prize of similar economic value at any time.
  5. The Winner has to be available for the official car handover. The handover will take place at a selected Wimpy at Engen where the winning purchase was made or one closest to where the Winner resides.
  6. The Promoter cannot guarantee the colour or features of the car that is available upfront. The Winner will accept the model of the vehicle on the day of the handover and no further negotiation will be entered in to.
  7. The Winners will accept the prize at their own risk.
  8. The Winners will be randomly chosen from all qualifying Participants in the form of a draw.
  9. The draw will be supervised by an independent auditor or a registered accountant, or an attorney or advocate at Wimpy, Famous Brands Pty (Ltd) at the address determined by the Promoter.
  10. All draws will take place before the end of the first week of the next month by the Promoter during the Competition period.
  11. If for any unforeseen reason the draw cannot take place on the date as anticipated, then the Promoter will endeavour to conduct the draw within a reasonable period thereafter and shall provide details of the new draw date on https://wimpy.co.za or on Wimpy’s Facebook page.
  12. Upon the Winner’s agreement and written consent, the Promoter has the right to publish the Winner's name and photograph (at no fee) in any advertising, promotional, print, point- of-sale or public relations material. The nature of these publications will be determined at the sole discretion of the Promoter, for a period of 12 (twelve months) from the date of the Prize draw.
  13. Once the Prize has been handed over to the Winner in terms hereof, the results of the Competition are final in all respects and no correspondence will be allowed.
  14. Prize consists of a brand new motor vehicle per month, with the inclusion of license and registration of the vehicle.
  15. The Promoter does not take responsibility for the insurance of the vehicle whatsoever and this will be the complete onus of the Winner before the Prize has been handed over.
  16. The Winner needs to confirm that any existing and outstanding fines and vehicle license disc renewals are settled before the registration and handover of the car can be completed.

Instant cash and prizes

  1. There is a share of Wimpy vouchers to be won on a monthly basis. The total value of instant prizes available per month will be at the discretion of the Promoter.
  2. No substitutions or re-assignments of the Prizes are permitted.
  3. Only entries done via WhatsApp will be eligible to win a Prize.
  4. If a prize is won, the Winner will be notified immediately via WhatsApp and their prize will be sent directly to the Winner’s phone number.
  5. The Promoter reserves the right to substitute the Prize with any other prize of similar economic value throughout the Competition.
  6. The Winners will accept the prize at their own risk.
  7. The Winners will be randomly chosen from all qualifying Participants in the form of a draw.
  8. All draws will take place at a frequency determined by the Promoter throughout the Competition.

6. Notification of Winners

  1. The Winners will be contacted on the cellphone number used to enter the Competition and same shall apply to redeem the Prize and any further or other contact.
  2. For the entry to be confirmed as valid, the Promoters will make a telephone call to the potential Winner on the cellphone number as per entry details and conduct the Competition verification process.
  3. If the Prize is declined by the Winner, or if the potential Winner cannot be contacted from the details supplied on their entry after 10 telephone call attempts, a replacement Winner will be drawn at the Promoter’s discretion and the replacement Winner will be notified by the Promoter. The same contact process will be followed until such time as a valid Winner has been selected and verified.
  4. The Promoter will require the Winner of the Grand Prize to complete and submit an information disclosure document to enable the Promoter to ensure compliance with the rules and the provisions of the Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008. Should any Winner refuse or be unable to comply with this rule for any reason, such Winner will be automatically disqualified. The Winner may be required to sign a waiver of liability and indemnity before claiming the Prize.
  5. The Promoters may collect, store and use (but not share) any personal information of entrants for communication or statistical purposes.

7. General

  1. The Promoter is entitled to amend the Terms and Conditions hereof in so far as same is deemed necessary and such amendments may relate to any aspect of the Competition.
  2. The amendments may include the addition and or deletion of any existing and/or proposed Terms and Conditions of the Competition, which amendments may also affect the identified Prizes.
  3. The proposed amendments may be affected during the Competition period which amendments may result in the Competition period being reduced and or extended as deemed necessary.
  4. It is the Participant’s responsibility to regularly check the website where the competition Terms and Conditions are made available. Refer to https://wimpy.co.za/terms-and-conditions/
  5. If the Terms and Conditions are amended as provided for in clause 7a and 7b, such amendments shall become effective immediately or on such date as may be stated or determined by the Promoter. However, all Winners who have received confirmation of the Prize prior to such amendment will remain eligible to receive the Prize as awarded in accordance with the Terms and Conditions in force when they were selected as winners.
  6. No Participant shall have any recourse or claim against the Promoter because of any amendment to these Terms and Conditions or in respect of termination or suspension of the Competition in line with these Terms and Conditions.
  7. If the Promoter cannot continue with this Competition for any reason, or if it is required to cancel, suspend or terminate the Competition by any regulatory term or applicable law, the Promoter may cancel, suspend or terminate the Competition on condition that:
    1. No Winner has been declared; and
    2. Notice of such Competition cancellation has been given to all Participants.
  8. Any false or inaccurate information provided by the Winner will result in disqualification.
  9. If the Competition becomes unlawful or if the Promoter is required by the Minister of Trade and Industry or the National Consumer Commission or WASPA to alter any aspect of the Competition, then to the full extent permitted by law, the Promoter reserves the right to suspend or terminate the Competition immediately and without notice, in which event all Participants agree to waive any rights that they may have in terms of the Competition and accept that no recourse will be sought against the Promoter.
  10. The Winner’s use of the Prize shall be entirely at his/her own risk and he/she hereby indemnifies and absolves the Promoter from any liability or damage, arising from accident, injury, harm, death, costs, including direct, indirect, special incidental or consequential or any punitive damages and/or loss sustained because of the entry or participation in the Competition and possession or use of the Prize as won in the Competition.
  11. To the extent permitted by the Consumer Protection Act of 2008 (“CPA”), the Participant and/or Winner indemnifies and absolves the Promoter from claims arising from any loss, damage, harm or injury which the prize winners may sustain because of any claim which may be made against it by any third party.
  12. The Participant and/or Winner indemnifies the Promoter against any claim of any nature whatsoever arising out of and/or from their participation in any way in this Promotional Competition (including, as result of any act or omission, whether negligent or otherwise, on the part of the Promoter).
  13. Any dispute or claim arising out of or in connection with the Competition shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Republic of South Africa.
  14. The Promoter reserves the right to withhold the Prize until it is entirely satisfied that the claimant of the Prize is the bona fide Winner and reserves the right to call for such proof as it may deem necessary.
  15. The Promoter accepts no liability or responsibility, whether occasioned by any circumstance not foreseeable and not within its reasonable control for late or delayed delivery of the Prize.
  16. To the extent that the Terms and Conditions or any goods or services provided under these Terms are governed by the CPA, no provision as contained herein is intended to contravene the applicable provisions of the CPA, and therefore all provisions must be treated as qualified, to the extent necessary, to ensure that the relevant provisions of the CPA are complied with.
  17. By participating in this Competition, Participants agree to receive future marketing material from the brand/s on promotion. However, the participant has the right to unsubscribe to receiving marketing material or request the promoter to delete their information by contacting the Promoter at Wimpy, Famous Brands Pty (Ltd).

T&Cs apply. Valid on 29 May 2024 only, subject to the presentation of an election ink mark. Available for sit-down and takeaway. Giveaway limited to one regular Famous Wimpy Coffee or one regular Hot Chocolate per customer.


1. Entry Mechanics / How to Enter

  • Comment on the Facebook and X (Twitter) social media posts, telling us what you’ve heard or seen in the voting queue on May 29, 2024, using the hashtags #CupsForVotes and #SeenVoting.
  • Download the Wimpy Rewards App to redeem the prize.

2. Competition Period

  • The Cups For Votes (Seen Voting) competition runs on May 29, 2024, ONLY.

3. Prizes and Draws

  • 5 (five) winners will be randomly selected by the Promoter.
  • Participants will be randomly selected to receive free regular sized coffee for a maximum period of 1 (one) year.
  • No substitutions or reassignment of any of the prizes are permitted.
  • The prize will be in the form of Wimpy vouchers that will be allocated monthly to the Wimpy Rewards App for the period of 1 (one) year.
  • No credits or refunds will be permitted for any balances that are not used upon the redemption of the voucher.
  • The amount of the voucher will be determined by the Promoter.

4. Notification of Winners

  • The winners will be contacted via direct message on social media channels: Facebook and X (Twitter).
  • Winners will be required to provide their name and contact details.

1. What is Wimpy’s cappuccino promotion?

From 21 July – 10 August 2023, you can get a Regular Cappuccino for R19.90. This is available through any Wimpy restaurant (either sitdown or takeaway). This promotion is not available through third party deliveries (Mr D, Uber Eats or Yumby).

2. How long is the cappuccino promo running for?

The cappuccino promotion will be running for 3 weeks, from 21 July – 10 August 2023.

3. How can I order the cappuccino special?

You can order at any Wimpy restaurant, takeaway, drive-thru or online via the Wimpy Rewards App for sitdown or collect. The promotion is not available for delivery.

4. What are the terms & conditions of the cappuccino promo?

This offer cannot be exchanged for another hot drink on the Wimpy menu and is only applicable to the Regular Cappuccino.

The offer does not apply to Decaf coffee – these will still be charged with an additional R4, therefore R23.90.

The offer does not apply for alternate milk options – these will still be charged at an additional R10, therefore R29.90.

We reserve the right to withdraw this offer at any time and without prior notice.

This promotion is valid for The Meaty Grill orders, made and paid for on the Wimpy Rewards App, from 25-31 August 2022 only. Any purchases made before or after the aforementioned period, will not be considered valid for this promotion. The Meaty Grill orders over this period will qualify for double the Coins usually accrued by such an order. Coins are not transferable for cash. Available while stocks last.

T&Cs apply. This competition is available to Old Mutual customers only. Entry into the competition is subject to the conversion of Old Mutual Rewards Points into a Wimpy voucher worth at least R50 to spent at a Wimpy restaurant between 1 March and 30 April 2022. No entries received before or after this period will be considered valid. Participants with a valid entry stand a chance to win Wimpy meals for a year. Winners will be notified. Judges’ decision is final. Prize is non-transferable or exchangeable for cash.

T&Cs apply. Only one FREE regular Filter Coffee per vaccination card presented. Vaccination cards must be presented in person by the individual whose name appears on the card to qualify for this offer. This offer is only valid within 48 hours on the day of vaccination. Filter Coffees cannot be exchanged for cash or any other offer. Offer is available for sit down or takeaway. While stocks last.

T&Cs apply.
Not all Wimpys offer this service. The Wimpy restaurants that currently offer this service are:

When interacting with a waitron at any Wimpy, it is compulsory for customers to wear masks and sanitise their hands. Sanitiser will be provided by your waiter. You can choose to have your meals served with crockery and cutlery or in takeaway packaging. Customers can pay for their meals with the Wimpy rewards App, in cash, or with a bank card. Payment can be made with the waitron serving you, or at the restaurant counter.

T&Cs apply.
Giveaway only valid with the purchase of a Wimpy Kids’ Combo.
No substitutes on products offered.
Toys not suitable for children under the age of 3 years old.
While stocks last.
The visuals are for descriptive purposes only and toys may vary slightly.

“Wimpy Rewards” is operated by Wimpy, a wholly owned subsidiary of Famous Brands Limited. The Terms and Conditions set out the contractual relationship between Wimpy Rewards and each individual member of the programme.

These Terms and Conditions apply to your participation in the Wimpy Rewards programme ("Wimpy Rewards") which is operated by Wimpy in South Africa. Wimpy reserves the right to change, modify and/or eliminate Wimpy Rewards and/or all or any portion of these Terms and Conditions or any policy, FAQ, or guideline pertaining to Wimpy Rewards at any time and in its sole discretion. Any changes or modifications will be effective immediately upon posting the revisions to www.wimpy.co.za, and you waive any right you may have to receive specific notice of such changes or modifications. Your participation in Wimpy Rewards confirms your acceptance of these Terms and Conditions and any such changes or modifications; therefore, you should review these Terms and Conditions and applicable policies and FAQs frequently to understand the Terms and Conditions that apply to Wimpy Rewards.

About Wimpy Rewards Programme

Wimpy Rewards lets you earn loyalty coins (“Wimpy Coins”) by making qualifying purchases at Wimpy restaurants across South Africa. Fully enrolled Wimpy Rewards programme members (“Members”) may redeem their accumulated Coins to pay partially or fully for their bills in-store.

There is no cost to join Wimpy Rewards. However, you must fully enrol in order to earn Coins. You are not a Member until you are fully enrolled, meaning that you must download the Wimpy App, complete your registration and verify your cell phone number.

In most cases, you may use cash, credit or debit card payment options accepted by a given Wimpy restaurant to make qualifying purchases that earn Coins.

Part A – Definitions

In these Terms and Conditions unless the context requires otherwise:

“App transactions” means any transaction triggered by the customer through the Wimpy App. This could be earning or burning Coins, in-app payment or redemption of a Voucher or gift card.

“Applicable Laws” means in relation to any relevant jurisdiction, any law, regulation, regulatory requirement, judgment, order, direction or any other act of any government entity of such jurisdiction.

“Burn / Redeem” means a consumer transaction done to spend Coins.

“Download” means a Wimpy App download.

“Earn” means a consumer transaction done to receive/be awarded with Coins.

"Fraud" means any conduct which is fraudulent, dishonest and deceitful. Such conduct includes, but is not limited to any of the following:

  1. knowingly supplying incorrect information to accrue Coins
  2. using or attempting to use stolen or counterfeit identity
  3. using or attempting to use stolen or counterfeit Vouchers
  4. attempting to accrue Coins dishonestly
  5. selling, bartering and/or purchasing Coins or Rewards including attempting to sell or transfer Coins or Rewards by means of internet based sales or auctions unless otherwise permitted under these Terms and Conditions; or
  6. attempting to use Coins or obtain Rewards dishonestly
  7. knowingly benefiting from the fraud or misconduct of another Member or individual

“Gift card” means an amount purchased by a member, using coins or card, and sent to another person as a gift for use in the app. This amount will reflect on the receiver’s app balance for use at Wimpy.

"Member" means the person who is a member of the Programme and whose name is registered against the Membership Number.

"Member Registration Data" means data personal to a Member’s information captured when registering for the programme.

"Membership" means membership of the Wimpy Rewards programme.

"Membership Number" means the membership number allocated to a Member in accordance with these Terms and Conditions.

"Misconduct" includes:

  1. failure to comply with these Terms and Conditions
  2. attempting to obtain Coins or Rewards by Fraud
  3. misconduct whilst using any Wimpy facilities
  4. misconduct in dealing with our staff
  5. selling, bartering and/or purchasing Coins or Rewards including attempting to sell or transfer Coins or Rewards by means of internet based sales or auctions unless otherwise permitted under these Terms and Conditions; or
  6. attempting to use Coins or obtain Rewards dishonestly
  7. knowingly benefiting from the Fraud or Misconduct of another Member or individual

 “Payment” means payment either by Coins, debit card, credit card or charge card, in-App payment, vouchers or Gift cards. We do not accept payments by cheque.  Normal banking costs are applicable to in-App payments.

"Coins or Coin(s)" means the virtual currency earned by a Member under the Programme and credited to a Member's account for spend.

 “Programme” means the programme operated by Wimpy pursuant to which members earn Coins and spend them on to pay for their Wimpy meals.

“QR code” means a visual representation of a unique code on a till slip which holds information on the restaurant, table, waiter and order.

“Transactional Data” means transaction data personal to a Member.

“Voucher” means an e-voucher within the Wimpy App with specific T&C and an expiry date applicable to that Voucher.  It could be a value Voucher, a discount Voucher or a product Voucher. 

 “Wimpy App” refers to the mobile application available for apple and android, downloadable off the iStore or Google Play.

"Website" means the pages applicable to the Programme available at www.wimpy.co.za or such other domain name as made available from time to time.

Part B – Membership of the Programme

Membership Eligibility

B.1.1 Only individuals who are 18 years of age or over may apply for Membership. Individuals must reside in South Africa.

B.1.2 Membership is offered at our discretion and we may refuse Membership to any applicant without assigning any reason.

Membership Application

B.2.1 To apply for Membership an individual must apply by registering on the Wimpy App. All applications are completed via a digital form with no physical application form required to be completed. Applications may be made at any time on any day of the week on the Wimpy App.

Membership applications must state the applicant's full name, gender, and email address and telephone/mobile number for correspondence

We will verify membership applications via an OTP to finalise the registration process.

B.2.2 Multiple Membership is not permitted and each Member must maintain only one account. In the case of duplication of Membership, all Memberships (other than the first Membership approved by us) will be cancelled. Any duplicate Coins will be cancelled. 

B.2.3 You represent that all Registration Information you provide during enrolment and throughout your interactions with Wimpy is true and accurate. You agree to update your Registration Information, as necessary to maintain its truth and accuracy. You are responsible for all activities related to your Wimpy account and for maintaining the confidentiality of your username and password.

Additionally, to complete the enrolment process, you must acknowledge receipt of these Terms and Conditions and our privacy notices.

Membership Account

B.3.1 Applicants will be admitted to Membership on the date they activate their account via the Wimpy App to collect Wimpy Coins. By activating their account Members agree to be bound by the Terms and Conditions (as amended from time to time) and the information on the Website.

B.3.2 members may make changes to their details in their Membership profile via the Wimpy App.

B.3.3 Correspondence will be sent to the Member's last preferred e-mailing address and/or the cell phone number provided on application.

B.3.4 We will not be responsible for late, lost or misdirected emails

B.3.6 It is your responsibility to keep any information that might identify you and allow access to your Membership secure. Unfortunately, you cannot hold Wimpy responsible if a person is able to spend Coins in your account as a result of you not taking appropriate care of your Membership details. If you lose or accidentally reveal your Membership Number or password details, you should change the password under profile settings on the Wimpy App.

B.3.7 We reserve the right to audit a Member's account and records without notice to the Member to check for compliance with these Terms and Conditions and any other applicable rules, regulations or Terms and Conditions.

Termination of Membership

B.4.1 Membership will terminate automatically:

B.4.1.2 upon the death of a Member. Coins accumulated but unused at the time of death shall be cancelled together with Membership of the Programme; or

B.4.1.3 if we reasonably believe that you have committed an act of Fraud or Misconduct against us.

B.4.2 Members may terminate their Membership by contacting us stating that they no longer wish to be a Member. Any such termination will result in a loss of all Coins and does not relieve the Member of any continuing obligations under these Terms and Conditions.

B.4.3 In the case of Fraud and/or Misconduct, we may cancel all accrued and accruing Coins of the Member and any Rewards.

Termination of the Programme

B.5.1 We may terminate a Member's right to earn or redeem Coins or terminate the Programme.

B.5.2 We will give reasonable notice of such termination of the Programme or a Member's right to earn or redeem Coins issued by Wimpy.

B.5.3 In the event of programme termination, Wimpy coins will remain valid to be spent for 90 days.

Changes to the Programme

B.6.1. Wimpy reserves the right to alter or change operational conditions of the Wimpy Rewards programme. Wimpy can change the Programme, the Coins and the Rewards we provide. Wimpy will give you reasonable notice but this could depend on the nature of the change and the Members’ notification setting on their Wimpy App Profile.

B.6.2 Examples of this action include (but are not limited to) modifying or withdrawing the right to earn Coins or amending the number of Coins earned when making a transaction.

B.6.3 Members shall be deemed to have agreed to any modifications, withdrawal, amendment or additions to the Programme if, after we have notified you of the changes, you continue to participate in the Programme.

B.6.4 Wimpy may, at any time, amend the time limit on how long you have to spend any Coins. We will give you reasonable notice.

B.6.5 Wimpy have the right to change these Terms and Conditions. We will always give you reasonable notice. Please refer to the Wimpy website for the latest copy of these Terms and Conditions.

Members who do not wish to accept changes to the Programme may terminate their Membership in the manner described in Section B.4.2.

Part C – Earning Coins

Earning Coins – General

C.1.1 Coins can be awarded on sit down, take-away and drive through orders.

C.1.2 Coins cannot be awarded on own nor third party delivery orders.

C.1.3 Members cannot split the earning of Coins on the bill.  The bill will need to be split into two before Coins are allocated.

C.1.4 Wimpy will record Coins in the Member's personal account. Coins cannot be redeemed until we have recorded it in the Member's personal account.

C.1.5 Members can start earning coins immediately once registered.

C.1.7 Furthermore, it is not possible to earn Wimpy coins retrospectively for transactions in the past

C.1.10 Coins are not awarded on transactions settled with Coins, gift card or vouchers.

C.1.11 Members earn coins on the total amount spent including VAT.

C.1.12 Members can only make 5x Wimpy App till slip scans a day. However, this rule may change at any time.

C.1.13 This App allows direct payments to be made using the App in-store with your linked card:

  • To limit the possible incidence of fraud, only two payments are allowed per user per day when a user is using the app to make a direct payment.
  • The App only supports Visa and MasterCard. The App does not support Diners Club, American Express Cards or Debit Cards that are not 3D Secure enabled.
  • When you link your card to the App, there will be a charge of R1.00. This is to enable the App to validate that the card is a legitimate card with funds available. The R1.00 charge will be reversed after 7 to 10 working days.
  • We carry out 3D Secure on vaulting and linking of a card. The user will be taken to their password-protected authentication system, either Verified by Visa or Mastercard SecureCode. This allows for the verification of the R1.00 charge by prompting you to enter the code sent to you by your bank via SMS.

Coins balance

C.2.1 When you spend Coins, we will adjust your loyalty balance in line with this.   Members can continue to earn Coins; there will be no maximum threshold to earning Coins.

C.2.2 Members are able to transfer coins from one Member account to another through sending a Wimpy Gift card in-app. Select to ‘Pay with Coins’ when sending a gift card to another member.

Coins expiry

C.3.1 If a Member has not earned or redeemed Coins for 13 consecutive months, all Coins that have accrued to that date will expire automatically.

Part D – Redeeming Coins

Upon earning your Wimpy Coins, you will be able to redeem your accumulated Coins on the Wimpy App at any time.

D.1.1 Coins cannot be exchanged for cash and have no cash value. Coins are not your property. Coins are issued without separate payment or other consideration by you, and exist at the sole discretion of Wimpy as part of a rewards programme.

D.1.2 Coins cannot be purchased, redeemed for cash or any other monetary value or currency, or used to pay any credit card or other credit device. Coins may not be assigned, transferred or pledged to any third party, except as stated herein. Coins may not be transferred by operation of law, such as by inheritance, in bankruptcy, or in connection with a divorce.

D.1.3 Coins can be used to pay towards your next purchase by:

Part E – Vouchers and Gift Cards in Wimpy App


E.1.1 Vouchers may be a value Voucher, a discount Voucher or a product Voucher.

E.1.2. No change may be given on a Voucher; the Voucher is a once off discount.

E.1.3 Vouchers will have different terms and conditions per Voucher type and different expiry timelines per Voucher type.

Gift Cards

E.2.1 Gift Cards expire after 3 years.

E.2.2 No change may be given on a Gift Card, but Gift Cards may be used in intervals and a new balance will reflect after each use.

E.2.3 No Coins are awarded on the purchase of a Gift Card.

Part F – Technical Issues / System Errors

F.1.1. In the event of a technical, system(s) or network failure, as well as, system upgrades, Wimpy Coin allocations and/or discounts, will not be processed and/or issued retrospectively.

Please contact us for assistance. Wimpy Customer Care:

  • info@wimpy.co.za or call us on 08600 WIMPY.
  • You can also complete a “contact us” form on the Wimpy App or website
Part G – Member Data

G.1.1 Your Registration Information.

By becoming a Member of Wimpy Rewards, you choose to provide us with your Registration Information, and you agree to update it from time to time so that it remains accurate.

G.1.2 Your Account Activity.

When you participate in Wimpy Rewards on the Wimpy App, you authorise us to collect information about your “Account Activity,

which may include the items or services that you purchased, any offers that you redeemed, or any other information related to your transaction.

G.1.3 Authorisation for Wimpy to Use and Share Your Information.

You authorise us to use and share your Registration Information and Account Activity in accordance with the Wimpy Consumer Privacy Policy, as amended from time to time, in our sole discretion.

You can obtain copies of the Wimpy Consumer Privacy Policy on www.wimpy.co.za

Wimpy’s themed kids’ parties cost
R74.90 per child, including VAT.
Party cost includes a choice of meal and a side, a soda and a Razzle-Dazzle Snowfreeze™ cone for each child.
The choice of Kids’ Meals includes a Cheese Burger and a side, Chicken Sticks and a side, or a Toasted Cheese and a side.
The choice of soda includes any soda that Wimpy has on offer, but excludes milkshakes.
An additional R5 will be charged if a milkshake is ordered instead of a soda.
Party cost also includes themed decorations.
Decorations include one plain table cloth and a themed paper plate, cup, serviette, balloon and candy toy per child.
Any extras over and above this will be charged for.
Fun Buddies, face painting and balloon sculpting are included in the price if the Wimpy restaurant of your choice provides this service.
Parties to be booked 2 weeks in advance.
A 50% non-refundable deposit is required for a booking to be confirmed by a selected restaurant.
Themed parties are only available at select Wimpy restaurants around the country.

Terms and conditions apply.
The terms and conditions of any promotional offer are set out in the promotional material for such offer, which may vary from our standard terms and conditions.
This offer is available while stocks last.
This offer is available nationwide.
No substitutes on products offered.
All extras will change the cost of the meal as well as published nutritional values.
This offer is available as a sit-down and takeaway.
Price Inclusive of VAT.
The visuals are for descriptive purposes only and meals served could vary.
Background images serve as food styling props only and are not included in meal.
All sodas served are post-mix from soda fountain.
Meals shown are not in proportion to one another.
Wimpy promotes responsible eating.
Wimpy took reasonable steps to ensure that the nutritional information is correct at the time of going to print, and is based on standard portions, which may vary.
All masses refer to the approximate mass uncooked.
FNB On The Go is a new benefit being launched in October 2018, which gives qualifying FNB customers a complimentary breakfast or burger meal at participating Wimpy restaurants located at Engen 1Stops across South Africa. The benefit is for qualifying FNB Gold, Premier, Private Clients, Private Wealth or RMB Private Bank Account holders. Qualifying FNB customers who are multi-segmented (for example qualified on both FNB Gold and FNB Premier) will receive the FNB On The Go benefit on their highest qualifying segment.

The benefit can only be redeemed at participating Engen 1Stop Wimpy restaurants for breakfast and burger meals as specified on the Wimpy menu and does not include beverages, “make it your own” or additional menu items. FNB On The Go benefits cannot be exchanged for cash. The benefit is only applicable to sit-down meals, and cannot be redeemed on any takeaway meals.

To qualify for the FNB On The Go benefit you must be on eBucks Reward Level 2 or above. If you drop below Reward Level 2 at any time after you have been rewarded with the FNB On The Go benefit, you will not be able to access the FNB On The Go benefit until you are back on Reward Level 2 or above. Your qualification for access to the FNB On The Go benefit will be determined monthly in accordance with your eBucks Reward level while the benefit remains valid.

Qualifying FNB customers will receive one FNB On The Go benefit every 3 (three) months via the FNB/RMB Banking App. The benefit is only valid for the quarter in which it has been allocated to you, and will expire at the end of the 3 (three) month period. Any unused FNB On The Go benefit will expire, and will not be carried over to the next quarter.

FNB On the Go will only be available on the FNB/ RMB Banking App. You will need to log into the FNB/RMB Banking App to obtain the unique code which may be redeemed at a participating Wimpy for your complimentary meal. A new, randomly generated code is generated upon each request and can therefore not be saved and redeemed at a later stage.

For Customer Care please contact the eBucks Contact Centre
Call: 087 320 3200
Website: www.ebucks.com

Alternatively, please contact the WIMPY Contact Centre
Call: 08600 94679 / WIMPY
E-mail: info@wimpy.co.za
Website: www.wimpy.co.za
Thank you for choosing WIMPY for your gift card purchase.

You can opt for a physical gift card, which we will courier to you or a digital gift card, where we would SMS your unique voucher code to you. You may redeem either form in full or in partial increments at any of our Wimpy restaurants. Gift Cards cannot be exchanged for cash and no change may be given. Gift Card will expire after 3 years.

- Gift Cards start from R50 and go up to R5,000 per voucher
- Gift Cards are available for purchase from Famous Brands
- Please e-mail us with your requirements – quantity & amount
- To order a physical gift card send your email to paula.acton@famousbrands.co.za with your daytime delivery address
- To order a digital gift card send your email to luise.peters@famousbrands.co.za with your cell phone number
- We will send you an invoice as per your request (our banking details will be on the invoice). After payment of the invoice, we need to wait 7 days for the payment to clear – then we will load and send the gift cards. (Please remember to e-mail us the proof of payment)
- For companies: Please attach your FICA documents with your company details and VAT number to your initial e-mail

Terms and conditions apply.
While stocks last.
Card must be presented at time of ordering and payment to receive this offer.
Limited to one entry on card per person per visit. Kids' parties are excluded.
Offer not valid in conjunction with any other promotion.
This card cannot be exchanged for cash.
Valid at selected restaurant(s) only.
Terms and conditions apply.
While stocks last.
Card must be presented at time of ordering and payment to receive this offer.
Limited to one entry on card per person per visit.
Offer not valid in conjunction with any other promotion.
This card cannot be exchanged for cash.
Any substitutions or extra menu products will change the cost of your meal.
Valid at selected restaurant(s).
Refer to card for more details.
Refer to valid dates specified on card.
Terms and conditions apply.
While stocks last.
Card must be presented at time of ordering and payment to receive this offer.
Limited to one entry on card per person per visit.
Offer not valid in conjunction with any other promotion.
This card cannot be exchanged for cash.
Valid at selected restaurant(s).
Valid for 3 months from date of issue.
Any substitutions or extra menu products will change the cost of your meals.
Terms and conditions apply.
While stocks last.
All prices inclusive of VAT.
No substitutes on products offered.
The manager reserves the right to terminate this promotion without prior notice.
Offer not valid in conjunction with any other promotion.
All extras will be charged for.
Background images serve as food styling props only and are not included in the meal.
The visuals are for descriptive purposes only and meals served could vary.
Any substitutions or extra menu products will change the cost of your meal.
Valid at selected restaurant(s).
Refer to card for more details.
Refer to valid dates specified on card.
Terms and conditions apply.
While stocks last.
All prices inclusive of VAT.
No substitutes on products offered.
The manager reserves the right to terminate this promotion without prior notice.
Offer not valid in conjunction with any other promotion.
All extras will be charged for.
Background images serve as food styling props only and are not included in the meal.
The visuals are for descriptive purposes only and meals served could vary.
Any substitutions or extra menu products will change the cost of the meal.
Valid at selected restaurant(s).
Refer to card for more details.
Refer to valid dates specified on card.
Menu descriptors do not list all ingredients. Substitutions are allowed on the menu; however, items cannot be discounted, rather one item removed from the meal and a replacement added (e.g, 100g boerewors could be replaced with a pork cheese griller), and these changes will reflect on your bill.
If you choose not to order one of our existing menu items, we encourage you to 'build' a meal of your choice, by starting with a basic meal and adding extra items to it. If you require any allergen information prior to ordering, please ask a member of our team to assist. We use a lot of different ingredients and shared equipment in our kitchens, as well as products that have been produced by suppliers. For this reason, we cannot guarantee that our food is completely free of allergens or traces of allergens. The most common allergens comprise milk, eggs, tree nuts, peanuts, wheat and soy. Please scan the 'Allergen info & more' QR code on the front of the menu or go to www.wimpy.co.za for more detailed information regarding our allergens.
Paper straws are served with milkshakes and frozen lemonades only. For all other cold beverages, paper straws are available on request. Thank you for understanding and enjoy your meal.

Terms and conditions apply. While stocks last. All prices inclusive of VAT. This menu is the property of the Wimpy®. Background items serve as food styling props only. The visuals are for descriptive purposes only and meals served could vary. Weights refer to approximate uncooked weights. Wimpy® and Snowfreeze are registered trademarks. Coca-Cola, The Dynamic Ribbon Device and Coke are registered trademarks of the Coca- Coca Company © 2021.
Your application for and / or use of the Wimpy gift card shall be subject to the following terms and conditions.
Definitions • "card" means The Wimpy Gift card.
• "cardholder" means the person who uses the card.
• "you" or "your" means the cardholder.
• "we" or "us" means Wimpy, Drawcard and Bidvest.
• “Drawcard” means Drawcard (Proprietary) Limited (Registration No. 2003/019899/07).
• “Bidvest” means Bidvest Bank Limited (Registration No.2000/006478/06).
• “Wimpy” means Wimpy Marketing Fund Proprietary Limited (Registration No. 1972/012447/07).
• “Visa Rules” means those rules, regulations, by-laws as published from time to time by Visa International
Services Association, and all of its subsidiaries, affiliates, successors or assigns, as amended, modified or substituted from time to time.
1. Your card
1.1. You agree that these terms and conditions apply to you and, any subsequent cardholder, by gift or otherwise.
1.2. The card may not be refunded or exchanged for cash or credit.
1.3. We may verify your identity and may decline to issue a card if you cannot give us satisfactory proof of your identity. (i.e. ID document)
1.4. The cardholder must sign in ink in the space provided at the back of the card as soon as he or she receives it
- only the person whose signature is on the card is authorised to use it.
1.5. Bidvest remains the owner of the card.
1.6. Purchase authorisation will be declined if terms and conditions are breached.
1.7. At expiry of the card, you forfeit all unused funds.
1.8. The card is not re-loadable.
2. Using your Gift card
2.1. The card has an expiry date which is printed on the front of the card and it will be valid until the last day of the
month as printed on the front of the card.
2.2. The card may only be used in South Africa.
2.3. The card may be used to pay for goods and services at suppliers/merchants who display the Visa Electron logo. When paying, you must sign a transaction slip and keep it for your records. No remote transactions are allowed, such as ordering via mail, telephone or Internet.
2.4. The total Rand amount of purchases will be deducted from the value of the card.
2.5. All transactions in excess of the card balance will be declined.
2.6. We, Drawcard and Bidvest will not be liable if a supplier/merchant refuses to accept your card.
2.7. We, Bidvest, DrawCard, Visa, and their affiliates, employees, and agents are not responsible for the services or merchandise purchased with the card or for the return or exchange thereof.
2.8. Exchange or return of merchandise purchased in whole or in part with the card will be governed by the procedures and policies of the merchant and applicable law. At the time of any exchange or return, you should present both the merchandise receipt and the card.
2.9. You acknowledge that your use of the card may be suspended or terminated from time to time for any reason whatsoever and that we, Drawcard and Bidvest shall have no liability whatsoever in consequence of any such suspension or termination.
3. Unauthorised use of your card
3.1. You are responsible for the safekeeping and proper use of your card, neither will Drawcard, Bidvest or us be liable if it is damaged, lost, stolen or copied.
3.2. You must notify us immediately if your card is lost or stolen. We will stop the card as soon as reasonably possible after being advised, but you will be responsible for all cash withdrawals and payments made with the card before such notification.
3.3. Unauthorised transactions may be disputed by you which will be investigated after the receipt of an affidavit from you that you did not authorise the transaction.
4. Malfunction of electronic facilities
4.1. We are not responsible for any loss arising from any failure, malfunction or delay in any electronic device, resulting from circumstances beyond our reasonable control.
4.2. Unless a reversal or charge-back is allowed by and authorised pursuant to the Visa Rules –
4.2.1. We are unable to reverse or charge-back any payment;
4.2.2. Any dispute with a merchant/supplier regarding a reversal or charge-back should be resolved by you with that merchant/supplier; and
4.2.3. All payments made to a merchant/supplier for any transaction are final and irreversible.
5. Interest and other charges
5.1. No interest will accrue on positive balances on your card.
6. Applicability of Visa Rules
6.1. To the extent relevant, the Visa Rules apply to this contractual relationship, and shall be deemed to be incorporated herein by reference.
7. Termination of agreement
7.1. You may, at any time, terminate this agreement by destroying the card by cutting through the magnetic stripe and account number. You will be responsible for any transactions if the card is not destroyed correctly and is used.
7.2. We may choose at any time to revoke your card to protect our interests.
7.3. Even if this agreement ends, we will be entitled to rely on the rights acquired under this agreement before termination.
8. General
8.1. You may not vary these rules.
8.2. South African law governs these rules.
8.3. Card statements will not be forwarded to you but balances can be requested by calling the DrawCard
Customer Support Centre on 086 111 1234.
9. Third Party Service Providers
You acknowledge and agree that:
9.1. Wimpy may not, for whatever reason, perform the card related functions or services required pursuant to the
Visa Rules, including without limitation, transaction authorisation and settlement services, which only members of Visa or their appointed agents may perform.
9.2. Wimpy shall be entitled without restriction to nominate any third party supplier/s (including, without limitation
Drawcard and Bidvest) to render those functions or services (in whole or in part) required on its behalf.
10. Unlawful Use
10.1 The card may not be used for any unlawful purpose, including the purchase of goods or services, prohibited by local law applicable in the Cardholder’s jurisdiction.